Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Every year we head out to Medina Tx to the Orchid pumpkin patch. This year we decided to go some where close in town. We ended up at the Helotes Pumpin Patch. It was very nice. Not the same as the one we go to every year, but we had fun. They had petting zoo, hayrides, pony rides, balloon bounce, face painting, you name it. It was a really nice day out for the event. Gavin had a blast! Especially at the balloon bounce. Here are some pictures to share. Happy Fall everyone!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Our baby!

I asked my neighbor if she would like to take pictures of Gavin for his 3 year mark. She was honor too. She did an amazing job and had fun taking them. Gavin being silly as he is, I was more getting upset because I wanted to smile in his pictures. Kara told me "Let him be, he's a boy...when you look at these pictures your going to be glad that he came out the way he is". She was right. Looking at these pictures made me cry. I'm glad I let him be silly. Because I wanted to see the different faces that he makes and what he enjoys to do. Kara, you did an amazing job and I'm glad I asked you to take his pictures!

Pictures taken by Kara

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Gavin!

WoW! My baby turned 3 alrealdy! Times flies....FAST! We celebrated his birthday on Saturday the weekend before his actual birthday. It turned out really great except that it rained...O-well what can you do but to try to make the best of it. All it matter was that Gavin enjoyed himself...and he did. All his friends and family came and SPIDERMAN! His theme for his party was of course SPIDERMAN! He recieved allot of great presents (which were clothes) and some little toys...THANK YOU! We were so glad that his cousin Ben was able to join us celebrate. He was down for a visit from Hood River Oregon. We sure do miss him already.

At this age, Gavin has sure did change allot.

*Talking allot more..putting some words in sentence
*Singing his ABC'S all by himslef
*Can count to 20
*Using his good manners: "Excuse me Ma'am", "Thank You", "Please"

There so many things that he can do. He's getting there by learning to go to the restroom on his own and undressing himself to change into pj's or into regular clothes, learning to put on his socks and shoes.
AND...repeating what we say! Cheez, we have to be careful! But we don't say bad words all the time. I hate to say "Shut-up", so I say that's a bad word. Any word that we say that Gavin hasn't heard yet, he thinks it' a bad word. And I wanna say 85% it is!
We are so blessed to have this little boy in our lives. He makes me smile everyday. I look forward everyday to see what he does or say different. He's smart, he loves to learn, loves to read books, loves to dance and explore.

I love you Gavin! I thank God everyday for you and to keep you safe.