Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hes' A Big Kid Now!

Yay my baby did it! I started potting training him last September of 2010. It does take time and allot of frustration. I stopped in January because I was taking care of my nephew (actually no excuses). But it got really hard and more frustrating watching my nephew and potting training at the same time. I took a month off (in the middle of February) from watching my poor little nephew to potty train my 2 year old. Everyday, morning, noon and night was a go, go, go! He wakes up in the morning or from his nap I would RUSH him to the potty. Yes, there will be times that he's done accidents and yes there was frustrations also. I thought so hard thinking what else I can do to help him and I make it easier. Well, this may sound mean but they way it helped was whenever he did an accident in his big boy underwear, I was going to put him in timeout. His timeout was (again I wasn't trying to be mean or my intentions was to scare him) putting him in his room with the door close (and yes there was light) for two minutes. Let me tell you, HE HATED IT! This only happened twice!! Never again did he have an accident. Now, he tell us that he needs to go potty, pee pee or poo poo. In public he's doing great! He wears his BIG boy underwear and he tells me when he needs to go. Although I must say, he does wear night pull-ups (just in case). I don't give him anything to drink or eat at least 30 mins-1 hr before bed. Lately, his been dry. So, hopefully soon enough he'll be wearing underwear to bed!


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